
Oprah's "OWN" Channel Already Turning A Profit+Obama's Staff Change-Up

Though it only debuted five days ago, Oprah's OWN Network is expected to turn a profit its first year.  Get the deets inside plus find out why Obama's press secretary is leaving his post at The White House...


According to the New York Times, The Oprah Winfrey Network is expected to turn a profit in its first year...a full year before previous forecasts predicted.

Oprah indeed has the golden touch with 25 successful years in TV, a record-breaking magazine launch and now her OWN channel is kicking butt right out the gate. The profit forecast for 2011 is based on ad acceptance and good performance, which the Times reports is great so far.  Get it Lady O!



White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced today that he will depart the West Wing to head up Barack Obama's re-election campaign.

The departure will take place in early February, after President Obama delivers his State of the Union speech to the new Congress. As a private consultant, Robert will remain a top political adviser to the president as the re-election campaign gears up. So far, no replacement has been named.  You ready for 2012?

Source: http://theybf.com/2011/01/05/oprahs-own-channel-already-turning-a-profitobamas-staff-change-up

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