Filed under: Action, Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Disney, Box Office, Family FilmsAt the close of this weekend, Pixar Animation's 11th feature-length film (and the future 2010 Academy Award Winner for Best Animated Film), Toy Story 3, will be become not just Pixar's highest grossing film (that record fell earlier last week), but the top grossing animated film of all time (as in since the "dawn of..."), beating DreamWorks Animation's Shrek 2, which held the record for six years. That number includes domestic box-office grosses (Toy Story 3 will pass $400 million this weekend) and international numbers rolled up into a $920 million total. Toy Story 3 is only the second Disney film to cross the $400 million barrier domestically (Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest crossed that mark four years ago).
It's certainly an accomplishment worth noting, even lauding, especially as one of the most lackluster summers in recent memory comes to a merciful close, but it's also worth mentioning that the $920 million (and counting) number includes premium pricing for 3D and, in general, higher ticket prices. Finding Nemo, Pixar's 2003 animation entry and an Academy Award winner, finished its impressive run with $868 million without the benefit of higher prices or the 3D premium. Finding Nemo's numbers, like 2004's Shrek 2, are unadjusted for inflation, making Toy Story 3's record-breaking achievement slightly less impressive.Continue reading 'Toy Story 3' Becomes Highest Grossing Animated Film of All Time Permalink | Email this | Comments
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