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Weak Box Office Even For Oscars Weekend; 'Hall Pass' Opens Lowest #1 In Two Years, 'Drive Angry' May Be Lowest 3D Debut Ever; Awards Fave 'King's Speech' Up In Week 14
SATURDAY PM/SUNDAY AM: Hollywood movies�continue to underperform domestically since the start of the new year, including this weekend when the film industry honors its best 2010 offerings at Sunday's Oscars. Talk about a reality check!�Sources are giving me these Top 10 North American box office numbers: 1. Hall Pass (New Line/Warner Bros) NEW [2,950 Theaters] Friday�$4.7M, Saturday $5.7M,�Weekend $13.5M
I heard that Owen Wilson went on Leno and showed clips from his Zoolander and Wedding Crashers and Marley & Me -- and then virtually ignored�this weekend's Hall Pass.�Interesting how New Line has done well with its string of estrogen rom-coms, but then returned to its old formula of testosterone male-bonding films and faltered. Hollywood expected this�Farrelly Brothers�comedy to pass $20M and instead the pic greatly underperformed. But not for lack of trying. Warner Bros marketing campaign attempted to leverage the R-rated concept and the Farrellys' past successes�and the newbie/vet comedy combo�of SNL's Jason�Sudekis/Owen Wilson -- but failed.�Challenge was positioning�the pic primarily to men�but also not turning off women.�Trailers were paired with�Due Date back in November, and played on comedies including Little Fockers and The Dilemma. But TV was the main driver on the usual�high profile sports events.�Online media was�broad and male and specifically targeted, culminating in a Red Band trailer�that debuted�February 18th on IGN, and eventually seeded on other age-appropriate sites. An original Funny or Die video starring Owen Wilson hit the internet the following Monday.� 2. Unknown (Dark Castle/Warner Bros) Week 2 [3,043 ... Read More »
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